"Neurobiology for Dummies" (BSP 110)
/Frank Amthor, PhD
Frank Amthor's latest book Neurobiology for Dummies isn't just for readers who are new to neuroscience. In this excellent follow-up to his Neuroscience for Dummies Dr. Amthor discusses a wide variety of brain-related topics. Since I have known Frank for several years it was a special treat to interview him for BSP 110. We talked about a wide variety of ideas ranging from what makes neurons special to how brains differ from current computers.
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Reference and Links:
Neuroscience for Dummies by Frank Amthor
Neurobiology for Dummies by Frank Amthor
Email Dr. Amthor at amthorfr@gmail.com.
Introduction to Neurotransmitters: BSP 8
Introduction to Neuroanatomy: BSP 32
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I will be in Dallas, Texas August 15-17 for the Podcast Movement, which is being held at the Westin Galleria.