Neural Reuse and Embodied Cognition (BSP 124)
Michael Anderson: Click image to buy mp3 for $3
The Embodied Cognition movement has challenged the standard cognitive science approach to understanding brain function, but philosopher turned neuroscientist Michael Anderson realized that while recognizing the importance of our embodied interaction with the world around us is essential, we also need to discover how the brain is actually organized. His new book After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain represents 10-15 years of research into these questions.
The title reflects two key ideas of the book: "After Phrenology" highlights the importance of moving beyond asking WHERE particular functions are located and WHAT particular regions do. These questions do not reflect the emerging data that show that every part of the brain participates in multiple coalitions and functions. This concept of "neural reuse" is fully compatible with embodied cognition, which means that this month's interview (BSP 124) continues the conversation we began last month with Anthony Chemero.
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After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain by Michael L. Anderson
Please see the show notes for BSP 123 and the episode transcript for additional references.
Next month we will have our Ninth Annual Review episode and in January 2016 I plan to talk with Andy Clark about his new book Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind.
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Here is a link to the discussion thread devoted to BSP 124: